Assets Manager

The asset management department brings together several activities aimed at managing all the assets of the guild as well as making them work as much as possible, keeping in mind a risk/reward management that does not jeopardize the sustainability of PiNGs.

This department does not function as a service but as a community of talents and skills dedicated to managing the assets of the DAO.

As a result, all members of the department have their strengths and weaknesses, and incorporate Verticals according to their affinities. Their skills, affinities and descriptions are available and shared in order to form effective Verticals where each talent is exploited to its maximum.

The identified activities are:

  • Watcher

  • Champion

  • Scout

  • Strategist

  • Coordinator

  • Operator

Asset managers must work closely with the Academy, where they will draw their players, scholars, operators, etc., as well as the human resources that keep an overview of PiNGs members and the communication department that maintains privileged relationships with external projects.

Using the tools developed by PiNGs, "asset managers" are able to quickly identify the potential of a potential project and give a GO/NOGO signal.

Last updated