
Asset : An Asset is an asset, meaning something that has monetary value. In the context of blockchain, an asset can be a cryptocurrency, token, physical asset, etc.

B2B : B2B (Business-to-Business) is a term used to describe commercial transactions that take place between two businesses. It's a business model where a company sells products or services to another company, instead of to end consumers.

Blockchain : A technology for storing and transmitting information that is secure and transparent. It's used to create cryptocurrencies and for decentralized applications such as smart contracts.

Cryptocurrency: A digital currency that relies on blockchain. It is not dependent on any institution (central bank) and has no legal tender. It allows users to make transactions without using fiat currency. Cryptocurrencies known as "stablecoins" have a value based on an asset such as the dollar, gold or the euro.

DAO : A DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) is a type of business structure that operates on the blockchain. It's an organization that is managed in a decentralized manner, meaning it is run by its members, rather than by one person or a small group of people. DAO members can vote to make important decisions, such as the distribution of profits, and they also have the power to select or remove administrators. DAOs are usually created to support a particular community or project, but they can also be used for commercial purposes.

Doxxed : In the context of cryptocurrency, "doxxing" can refer to revealing the real identity of a person active in the crypto community, such as a developer, trader, or community leader.

FIAT : A national currency issued by a central bank, such as the euro or dollar.

Hardware : Physical equipment used to run computers and networks. This can include computers, routers, servers, etc.

KPI : Key Performance Indicator. A metric used to measure a business's or project's results against pre-established goals.

Brand : External company to the ecosystem that may seek B2B services from PiNGs or communities.

Metaverse : A virtual 3D universe accessible via the internet, where users can interact with each other and with virtual objects.

NFT : Non-fungible token, meaning a token that is unique and cannot be replaced by a similar token. NFTs are often used to represent digital assets such as artworks or collectibles.

P2PE : Peer to Peer Engagement. A form of communication or direct interaction between two parties, without the intermediary of another institution or company. It's a direct interaction between individuals or groups of individuals with a common goal.

SFT : A fungible token, meaning an interchangeable token with other tokens of the same value. SFTs are often used to represent cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.

Software : A software used to operate computers and networks. This may include operating systems, applications, programs, etc.

Sponsor : A brand, company, or organization that supports a community and deeply interacts with it through engagement devices.

Stablecoin : A cryptocurrency that is pegged to a national currency or another cryptocurrency with the goal of maintaining a stable exchange rate.

Vertical : A vertical refers to a specific topic handled by a group of people. It may be a project brought by Seerius, or a grouping of several subjects with the same root. A vertical can also be the grouping of talents necessary to complete a project. It may be composed of a project manager, developers, game designers, graphic designers, etc.

Web² : The term Web² is used to describe the web as it is currently, where users can view websites and use applications, but where user interaction is limited.

Web³ : This is the emerging web where users can interact with each other and with decentralized applications through blockchain technology.

XP : Experience accumulated by a user by completing actions, tasks, or quests. These experience points are used to quantify and acknowledge a person's involvement in a project, universe, etc.

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